Monday, 29 January 2018

Reflecting on feedback

After reviewing feedback from my proposal, my main goal in terms of developing the project is currently to assure it portrays a "critical review of the ‘trend’ and topic”, in terms of a deeper meaning past urban aesthetic. This will in turn help decipher specific structure and how all content connects.

Artist research
Analysing how others portray this conceptual depth for inspiration:

Richard Billingham

(Images from Billingham's 'Ray's a laugh' series, 2000)

Shirley Baker

(Manchester, 1966)

Edouard Leve

(From the series 'Pornographie', 2002)

(From the series 'Rugby', 2003)

August Sander

('Blind Children Reading', 1930)

('Bricklayer', 1928)

Focal point ideas:
-"Posing class”
-Fiction of identity? (Édouard Levé’s photography)
-Removing key symbols of the urban trend? (Édouard Levé - e.g. removing objects of sexual desire or rugby ball/kit). /Making the image seem uncomfortable. E.g. taking said youth out of their stereotypical surroundings.
-Posing working-class youth stereotypes through editorials, e.g. rowdy behaviour. Recreating the atmosphere.
-Or the opposite? Purposely over-glamorising?

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